"What is Dissociative Identity Disorder? Multiple Personalities"

"What Is Dissociative Identity Disorder? Multiple Personalities | Kati Morton Treatment Trauma Did." YouTube. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Dec. 2016.

This youtube video is very informative for anyone who wants to "get their feet wet" on this topic. The speaker explains the main characteristics of this disorder very well. Even though she is not a professional in this specific field of research, she seems to be informed very well and all the information given by her is accurate. Citing the list of symptoms as stated by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) helped the speaker build credibility early on and showed her audience she is knowledgeable about this topic.  Even though she may not be touching every single aspect of possible causes and treatment areas, this is a great video to start with when looking for information about this disorder.

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